Wednesday, June 17, 2009

walking with heels -pilot -part 2

dear whoever/whatever
I always taught women who wore heels are totally confident and poised. I never taught would get in those shoes, but some how I managed, during the auditions, even though it was a lil bit of an embarrassment, but i still walked with hells :) . I have this body imbalance thing in me, that i feared might come into effect with the help of a 3 inch heels,but i managed to overcome tht JAI HO!!..
like I said in the previous post, I am not that fair lady or girly girl, I am clumsy and careless. I have a terrible eye sight problem, acne and u can name it. I love black eyeliner and can never live without thats me
So like in the previous post, I mentioned about going for the college model angels (CMA) audition, It was on a Sunday(7th June 09), I had a few papers to complete the following weekday, and the paper ended on Friday. After getting off one the mot terrifying paper that Wednesday, macro econs 4(the killer) ,I came to get some sleep, before I had to start preparing (last minute) for my final paper, macro econs 3 (another killer!!). As I finally dozed off after answering so many calls from vinod, I had this message coming in, I was pissed off. Wouldn’t this ppl just give me a break???
I took up my Motorola razor v3xx, to check the message; it was from an unknown number saying ‘congrats u are the top finalist for cma..Bla bla’. This is a prank, I told myself. I have too many suspects who might just want to get off the hook, so yea..Am going to sleep again, but I still sent vnd a message saying I got the message and what I actually feel about the message.
The next day (Thursday 11june 09), I kept the message very low, I still feared for macro econs, and was studying, I couldn’t help it, so I called my friend sarveena who was also a pr for the event, and she said the message was for real. I went for my favorite club’s, meeting; inti vybes, the one and only broadcasting radio station of inti, being part of it was dream and a blessing, (feeling real guilty that I couldn’t do the board.) the news exploded in the studio and everyone got to know that I was on the top 40 list. I was so shy and didn’t know how to handle or react to it.
But the members of vybes were another chapter of encouragement, everyone, Horus, Nicole, sarveena, sarath, bean, Claudine... (Sorry if I have missed out any one of u), were all encouraging and that actually boost me up .I called my mom and she got even excited about it..She was asking me to talk about the whole event on the phone,(Another surprising factor), I was glad that the ‘queen of my hearts’, held me up with lotsa encouragement..above all of this, vinod had to go to Malacca for his final year project research to the eye of Malaysia, and suddenly he calls me saying that there is extra place in the car, and he said I could come, I got so excited, I called up ventz to join us and we drove off together to Malacca to see the ‘eye of Malaysia’- it’s a Ferris wheel, that is brought all over Malaysia. It was like the best day, I had an exam the next day, but I was so happy (hope that doesn’t affect the results, or its not some symbolic thing or something). So we went to see the eye of Malaysia, I had no idea how big it was, but I only enjoyed the part where me, vinod and ventz (after a long time, since bad luck struck upon us ) had another ‘sasau- get –together’ and vinod’s group mate naveenan followed too.
I was so tired, believe me, and I had to prepare for the paper, I stood up the whole night trying to get at least a few things into my head.
I manage to complete a my paper the following day, vinod,me,ventz and tulsi went out shopping for some clothes for my shoot the next day with cma. I was satisfied. .. yet was still 50/50 about tomorrow. I don’t have any friends, going to subang all alone, not literally, but …sarveena couldn’t make it, I told my friends I would just probably sleep off...But do u think they’re going to agree to this…’u’ll go to the grave if u do so’ they say…and vinod... was the only one without a perfect answer or a firm say… and theeban as usual..Being another huge supporter and another person who would kick my butt if I don’t go.. And mom was just worried I might get off the hook and forget my roots..But any how u guys were..i want to thank u all..i noe deep down, that u guys want the best for me..And I love u all for it 

lets just wait and see..where is this gonna lead
From the heart –
I have rise indeed...Again...this time...i rised because of the wonderful people around me, I rised cause of the beautiful friends and souls around me...u can put me into a mess...or many others...but I shall rise again...Because of the people around me...And also the almighty himself...
Sincere thanks to the members of inti vybes, ventz, vinod, theeban, tulsi, amma, chuaci for showing me lotsa love

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