Sunday, September 26, 2010

owh for crying out loud...!!

I came cross this profile on fb...this person..well..has just started off with 1st term of PRE-U, with no science back ground while in secondary school...and has already put up things on the 'about me' column...
'am gonna be a doctor...$^&$&*%$*&%*&'

yada yada yada...


.firstly..ever..we ( the sane ones) wouldn't give a thought of paying doctors (only if you grad medical school that is) like you a visit..we might stop others from doing so too..

secondly..your spoiling the 'real' doctors future..(am sure the other doctors out there would actually agree with me on this)

thirdly..for CRYING OUT LOUD..get over your Pre-U first!!!...

I did PRE-U..wasn't easy to get over with it..with the average to get going with the degree.i remembered studying..and not getting drunk

maybe partying is your personal thing..but're wanting to be a doctor..and then u post pictures of you with weed,alcohol and stuffs???

Q:who are you to even point that out??

A: Nice to meet you..Am a communication under-grad..and this is what I do..observe..and your case..I CRITICIZE!!
(I was advised to do so by our senior lecturer..according to helps to understand what happening around the world- displeased?? speak to him =))

so partying is your thing..and I might sound lame with a capital 'L'..but here's the thing...I have seen many many people out there who were loud and clear about stepping into the medical ..but ended up coming home with a capital 'L' as in - LOSER

I have friends who are in medical schools..and yes..they come with a natural descent intelligent feature of themselves on FB and other social sites..they party too..but they set an example and an outlook of how the futures doctors are going to be..(salute).

you wouldn't believe the things I saw on this self proclaimed future doctor's sites..

an example of it

ur pussy torn? :)

farking torn and im finding for a doctor to like stitch it for me, help ?

* your future doctor ladies and gentlemen..round of applause please*

and if you still happen to be a doctor

am not sending my children..or any part of my'll not happen till the day I die..and yea..ill power the others as well..Sorry

p/s :lady gaga is on with gays joining the's leading no where...but I think mine would do some good..for now =).. at least i made those REAL doctors out there a little happy...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

the come back...

Should I laugh???

I was reading through blogs..various kinds of them...and then came across a few blogs...of fakes!!!

Especially when your talking about things which are not you..and to down track another

so this is how it goes...i see this person whom i have know forever..and this person puts up stuffs which is totally of the opposite of what this person (xX) is up to in life..well..lets put it this way... just so u don't get to live the life u wanted to live for.. don't justify? or probably.. don't be judgmental..i have head all those lies babe..ALL of em' justifying it..and re staking your statements.. ain't bringing u no where...not helping you to build a clean your past either...i know why the dam hell your doing this...but..PLEASE JUST CUT IT OUT!!

sureeeeeeeeeeeeee..its none of my bloody business..we'll it stills up my veins when its coming out from you...especially when YOU start telling things about me to others..and i remember the last we met and had a chat was a few years ago???
so're the one whose with all this kinda problems..not dont put it on justify your dam self and your the one whose being nosy...

so with this..i have my life here...and you have yours..if your being porky about mine..go ahead..I cant stop you..but just one an incentive..=)..i chose to leave being your friend coz i cant believe you no more..